My tooth
Oh dear. You will not belif diss. Lini lost a tooth. I am most distressed ovah diss and I am in a deep daprassin. Lini lost da big fang on my bottom jaw and now I haff a hole in my mouth. I can't eat propahly and it hurts my body to chew. Lini haff to go to da vet becausea diss. Dammit all. Lini sad and annoyed I may be deformed for life. I am only six. Please pray for my body. I am too embarassit to open my mouth and show you but here is my sad face.
I luff you,
I luff you,

I'm sorry to hear about your tooth. I hope the vet tells you good things. Maybe lini need dentures!
Thank you so much for the card! I laughed my ass of over and over again. Then Becky got into it and I had to tell her about all your antics and inside jokes. It totally made my day!
I luff you!
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