They eat cat
Did you know that the Chinese eat cats? Its true. I had this discussion with my family and they still insist on eating cat. The worst part about it was dat when they brough home some pork fried rice da otha day, they fed me the table scraps and I ate my own kind. I ate cat! I cannot express in words how terrible this cattabolism is. Today I watched the snow melt and I napped on my paper on da couch. Tomorrow I am gonna try to eat my parents goldfish. They eat cat so they deserve me to eat their fish. Screw dem! Here is a picha of me on my couch. My eyes are not really dat bright, its the stupid camera. Damn you for thinking I have weird eyes. My paper is so comfortable. Ahh...

They eat cat because it tastes good, yes thats right cat meat (you) taste good. get over it...
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