Nervous about fatherhood

I hope some of my loyal fans can help ease my worries. You see I haff been awfully worried about da impending birth of da Binus. I haff nevah beena father before and I am only six years old. My Binus is growing well and is due in the next 2 weeks. We have the exact due date from da vet as Octobah 20th. We had a ultrasoundah and da Binus is developing well and he has beaver teeth from what da vet told us. Looks like he has a beaver tail too...cause its kindah wide for a cat's tail.
Oh dear..Lini so nervass. I know I dont have to nurse it but I am afraid that providing for the Binus will exhaust my body and I will not be able to eat as much as I want to cause I'll haff to share it. I wont be able to rest on my perch and I will haff to clean the Binus poo. We haff to get a kiddie pool instead of a litter box so it can swim, and fresh woodchips for the Binus.
So many changes..I am exited to be a Papah but nervass you see. Oh dear/
:-) Luff, LINI
Dont be nervous.
Fatherhood is a wonderfull thing. even if its a mixed species child. I'm sure the binus will be a good child and not get picked on too much for being conceved from a stuffed animal and a sterile cat!
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