The Vet again
Today my Mom and Dad put me in my crate and brought me to da vet again. Dis time they took me to get my teeth checked. Dat vet opened by mouth and examined me. He said I haff lost 2 canine teeth and the third top one is loose. Lini toothless! Lini so upset and sad. I feel like half a lInus, without my cat fangage. Oh dear. Well, dey gonna operate on my body and pull my other teeth. i have gingivitis and peridontitis inflammation of my gums. Lini has lost 2 important teeths already damn you all. Now I can't have my kibbles and dry food when I want what i want, when i want it. Lini sadness. I haffta eat wet soft foods for now. So in one wak I am gonna haff dat operation. Dey gonna put an IV in my body and knock my body out. I hope dey dont fack it up and kill my body. Lini nervass. Next Thursaday Lini go to da vet for all day surgaray. Dey gonna pul my teeth out and clean my mouth, den I haffta have antibioticass. Lini scared. I was shaking today at the vet on day cold metal table where I know det otha cats have suffat. Please pray for my body. Lini upset and scared. Tank you, I pray to baby jezuz too.
Luff, Lini
Ps. Will you still luff me if I am all gummy?
Luff, Lini

Ps. Will you still luff me if I am all gummy?

Oh Lini, you be ok, promise!!! My kitty Della had all her teeth pulled when she was 14, and she loved eating wet food! You be ok, I talk to Jesus for you. xoxo
aunt katieeeeeeee
Linus! I'm so sorry to hear you'll be going through dental surgery! oh dear, thats horriable. We will still love you with all our hearts even if you dont have razor sharp killing teeth like your sister. Its ok lini, you're going to be ok. wet kibbles from a blender really isnt too bad.
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