my sister's tongue
Now then...I dont know what da rest of you human beings tink. But we cats are not all innocent little furballs. Some of us, like me, like to get in on some action from time to time. As i have explained before, I have no balls, they were TAKEN from me when I was a kitten. The worst pasrt about that, was that my owners PAID dat damn vet to cut them off. Who the heck pays somebody to cut off balls? What a demented society of cruelty. Ok, anyway, fuck you, well, as I was saying, I have no balls, but I still have a Lini peni pronounced (lee-knee pea-knee) which is my dick. It still works great and I am proud of dat. Well, I just thought I would tell you all because my sister has a great tongue. Call it incest then,.but I love her tongue. Lini getting some tonight!
Screw you if you think its gross. I am going to have sex with my sister and there is no-ting anybody can do about it.
Screw you if you think its gross. I am going to have sex with my sister and there is no-ting anybody can do about it.

Lini, you keep repeating as if it were a question that it is sick to have sexual relations with your sister.. we can understand that you have such few options but maybe a sex therapist can be of some help to you. Ask Buckalinus I'm sure he knows a few.
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