Lhotse the killer!
My sister did something so crazy today. She looks small and innocent, but she isnt..she is a killer! She murdered a bird today. Not only did she murder it, but she ripped it to pieces, bit its head off, broke of its wings, then ripped its guts out and ate them. Her white fur got all bloody as she crunched through the wing bones to get out the last morsel. I have photographic proof. She hides under the truck by the birdfeeder..lurking, stalking, then pounces with such precision. I watched from the window in complete shock. If she can do this to a tiny bird, what can she do to me?
More on me and my latest events coming soon.
Love, Jasper the Linus

Here she is crunching its wings off!

Here is its head, cut off by her razor sharp killing teeth!
Here I am scared and in shock.
More on me and my latest events coming soon.
Love, Jasper the Linus

Here she is crunching its wings off!

Here is its head, cut off by her razor sharp killing teeth!
Here I am scared and in shock.

Ha ha
Laura you make me laugh so much!
even through these toughest of times
I love you so much
Will call tonight Lisa and I just got back in town.
love brother
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