Cotton genitalia
My dilemma... I think I wouldn't mind cotton stuffed genetalia. Its better than having NONE! My balls were taken from me. You know I was only a tiny kitten when my Mommy took me to the vet in an ugly cage and paid them to cut my balls off. You know that they put GAS on my face. Lini whiskers and all, got gas. Dey knocked me out and when I woke up i had no balls. How dare they! Some day they will feel the Wrath of the Linus! I think I would rather have cotton genitals. This koala bear who is an admirer of mine thinks his cotton balls are sad. Well, I am now seriously considering getting plastic feline surgery. That way my Mommy can pay dem to put my balls BACK on my body! Fuck you if you think that's stupid! Humans can do that, why not cats? I think i am gonna think about getting ball implants. What do my followers think of that? I may need to start a fundraiser. We shall see. Right now I am gonna go nap some more. I can't believe dey put Gas on me.

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