my fight
This week was great! My Uncle came to visit me and I got lots of attention. My body got tons of abdominal stroking and Uncle got deep into da white many times. The best part of this week though was my fight with the neighbors cat. My Uncle, Mommy and Daddy and Uncles girl were outside with me. They let me walk on my own a bit and eat some grass. We were just about ready to head back inside when the neighbors cat came near me, Dis cat has been taunting me for months by coming to my perch and my window and hissing at me. I get really jealous because he is outside and I am mostly left indoors. Anyway, I saw him, he saw me, and I got down on my haunches, puffed out my tail and then Uncle said " get him Linus!" So to please my Uncle, I attacked him, I ran after him and chased him in to the driveway where I tore at his flesh with my claws. Reeerrr! Meow! Rourrr! he hissed, he bit, and I clawed him. I took a nice chunk of fur out of him too. I got him. My Daddy got me and took me back in, as everyone admired my bravery and picked the tufts of fur from da aother cat out of my pink pads. I am so proud of my display of male pride. I got him! After dat, I got really deep into da White. Its been great..and I have much more to tell you.
Uncle Eric knows just how to get into my White.

Uncle Eric knows just how to get into my White.

You are so brave. I'm being stalked by an evil penguin named Feathers, maybe you could help me. Come to South Carolina and protect me!
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