my body on a rope

Dang it, my body got tied up today, my body was on a rope. It was awkawarduh for my body to be tied up. Very weird for my walking and my neck. Da worst was da stupid collar my Mommy got me. Its freakin P-ANK! I hate P-ANK! I had a stupid bell too, I hated dat!
I look like a faggy cat. Damn dat! I tried to rip it off. After dat I ate grass and posed for the Lini paparazzi. I ate until I trew up, grass is good! Un gah!
I went down and saw Dwight and we hugged and sniffed each other. I missed his body. He missed me too, it was so nice to be free. Oh dear, my Mommy is calling me to get offa here. got to go get my bath. I hate baths but my body is full of dirt from rolling around in da dirt. Oh dear. Life as a Linus. here is my body on a rope.

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