I'm in trouble
I am not supposed to be typing diss. I am in trouble, but I just wanted my fans and fellow cats to rally in my defense. You see, I got in big trouble today with my parents because I jumped up on a table, knocked over a candle holder, then jumped up onto the top of the pantry so I could drink from the goldfish bowl. See, my Mommy moved the goldfish bowl up high because she tawt dat I couldn't get it there. I luff to dwink its water because it tastes like SHRYMP! I luff fish water, and I only drink from fish bowls, not my water dish. So, you see I was up there drinking the water, and my Mommy caught me! She yelled at me"Bad Linus!" So I jumped down, and when I jumped I broke her seashells and smashed a flower vase all over the floor. Lini in big trouble. I got spanked and now I am in exile in solitide in da basement. See, dats where dis computa is. Well fuck, I hate dis, I am hungry and pissed off. Please help me and beg my Mommy to set me free. My Daddy comes home soon, and when he hears about dis, I am afraid I may get no more catnip. Let me take a picture of myself...okay, here it is...Lini anger! FREE THE LINUS!

Lini, I've already made up 5,000 "Free The Linus" t-shirts and am selling them for 49.99 each, so even if you don't get out, I'll have enough money to hire Navy Seals to bust you out. I'm sorry that your parents are being buggers. Keep the faith, cat man! FREE LINUS!
Linus, you're a spoiled troublemaker, maybe a little solitary confinement will teach yo punk ass a lesson! Come correct or don't come at all!
Free the Linus!!
let him drink fish water and be FREE!!!
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