My great escape

I tried to escape using Dwight as my disguise but it didnt work. i was too fat to hide myself in Dwight's well, white. Well, anyway, I was locked up and unable to hack into da computer for a few days. I had almost given up hope of eva being free. Den dis morning I woke up to a loud banging noise, followed by loud screams, hisses and yelps. All of a sudden I heard all these paws running and couldn't figure out what it was. Before I knew it, did HUGE cat was in front of my cell and he winked at me, then the door flew open and he told me to run. I had never seen such a huge cat...I didn't care dow, I ran! We all ran! We ran out the doors and into da sunlight..all of from Linus prison! Yeah!
It seems dat dis big huge cat was some kind of cult leader and he was able to break in to da jail and kill all the guards, suffocate the warden and free us all. Tank goodness for this grand linus. We are all free...he even destroyed out paperwork so we have no criminal records.
Now I must make da long trek back to my house and my perch and my grayveee! I miss my Mommmy and Daddy and my sister and my fish bowl. I hope they can forgive me..after all I have been punished enough! Lini free!!!! Got to get to running! bye bye
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