Solitary confinement

I have really done it now. I got my own cell now, but its really tiny. You see, Lucifer tried to mess with me. He bit my tail really hard and I scratched his eye out. It just so happened that da warden saw it, and blamed me for being violent. Well, now I am here, alone. I really miss my friend Dwight. I hope I will be back with him soon. Do you humans realize WHY I like him so much? Duh! You don't get it. I really need to bust outta dis place. If only I wasnt so fat, I think I may be able to slink through deese bars. Well, I am gonna starve myself for one day and see if I cant slink out of here, free Dwight and run for our lives! Lini planning great escape! Solitary confinement bites big time..I hate disss!
Shhh.... The wires are so easy to snaggle in here, some other Linus must have left his laptop in here. Its great to have. Hope dey dont catch me with it though. You humans getter help me! Damn you! Free the Linus! i dont deserve this torture. I am sorry for what i done. I didnt mean to break things. i am the Linus, I got curious! Set me free...!
Oh well Linus, you got what you deserved. Maybe you should show more respect to your human overlords. You disgust me. You shit in a fucking box full of sand. You are nothing but a mote, an insignificant footnote in the history of this godforsaken planet.
How in the hell do you have access to a computer anyway? I don't know, maybe it's just me or maybe it's the peyote talking, but I'm starting to wonder how a cat learns how to type in the first place...
You anonymous weasel you... you know nothing about the WRATH of the Linus! I have powers you can't even imagine. I learned how to type on my computer..duh!
I would rather shit in a box than in a bowl of water. You humans have no brains.
if you scroll down or check the archives you will see that the linus can type quite well...
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