My Great Escape weekend
Lini had a great weekend. You see, my parents left me for 2 days to go to a wedding far away. They left me the usual, tons of food, and fresh litter and a access to my perches and my porch. You see what dey didn't know is, Lini escaped! Yep, my Sister and I figured out a way to chew through the screen door in the porch.
A squirrel helped us by chewing from the outside. You see we bribed the squirrel because we had what he wanted, a BIG bag of bird seed. So he chewed from the outside and we ripped with our claws from the inside. My sister is little so she busted her body out before I did. After that we figured out how to open the door, and we were free! All weekend we did whatever we wanted! We explored the woods, the beach and da lake. I saw frogs and birds and bumblebees and ants. I got to eat tons of grass and then bring myself inside and throw up all over the floor several times.
It was so great because we could do whatever we wanted and nobody was the boss of us. On Sunday of course it was dark and my parents came home. They looked for me and started to freak out because Lini missing. They saw how we broke out and were horrified. I watched all dis from the trees, lurking and crowched down in secrecy.
Finally, I realized dat I missed them too, so I ran home fast! Daddy called me "lini, come home!" and I did, I ran home and into my parents arms. They hugged me and kissed me and thanked god a bunch of times. The fed us wet canned shredded salmon and we got brushed and rubbed and petted and kissed. It was a gweat weekendah. I can't wai tto di it again! Lini was free!
:-) Luff, Lini
A squirrel helped us by chewing from the outside. You see we bribed the squirrel because we had what he wanted, a BIG bag of bird seed. So he chewed from the outside and we ripped with our claws from the inside. My sister is little so she busted her body out before I did. After that we figured out how to open the door, and we were free! All weekend we did whatever we wanted! We explored the woods, the beach and da lake. I saw frogs and birds and bumblebees and ants. I got to eat tons of grass and then bring myself inside and throw up all over the floor several times.
It was so great because we could do whatever we wanted and nobody was the boss of us. On Sunday of course it was dark and my parents came home. They looked for me and started to freak out because Lini missing. They saw how we broke out and were horrified. I watched all dis from the trees, lurking and crowched down in secrecy.
Finally, I realized dat I missed them too, so I ran home fast! Daddy called me "lini, come home!" and I did, I ran home and into my parents arms. They hugged me and kissed me and thanked god a bunch of times. The fed us wet canned shredded salmon and we got brushed and rubbed and petted and kissed. It was a gweat weekendah. I can't wai tto di it again! Lini was free!
:-) Luff, Lini

Oh Lini! That sounds fun! But you need to not scare your momma and daddy like dat! Take more pictures of your adventures. I luff you!
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