Being a Daddy

Hi everyone's body.
I haff been very busy looking aftah my baby Binus.
He is growing like grass, and he is a major food hog.
We found out he likes cat food instead of woodchips, so that part of him is cat. Pisses me off something fierce cause thats my food! Now there are three of us at one food bowl and I hardly get nothing. I hate to admit diss but I think I haff lost da weight. My body isnt as big as it waz.
All diss running around...
Where is Binus, get the Binus, feed the Binus, wash the Binus, get Binus out of his pool. I luff Bini, as I call him, thats hiz nick-a-name. Bini. Oh dear, well, we thought he had da croup but it turns out to be some kind of rodent acquired STD he got from being birthed. I haff no idea where dat filth came from. Fucking bull-a-shat. Ok, as you can see I am wiped out and need to sleep. Lini in a bad mood, I luff you though I am just hungary. Stop sending these dam wood chips and rattles and send me food dam you.
I luff you,
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