I have seen God
I haff sen jezuz's Papah and he is allmighty. I haff found God and here he is. This image was taken from my mind and it is now be-stilled upon all of you. Lini so happy he found baby jezuz's papah. You see, I haff been so ova whelmed wit graff over the death of da Binus. My Ucle came all da way home for baby jezuz's birthaday and he didnt come to see me, starving and alone in da dark house left alobe for dat day. Dat just added to my strass you see and now I am all torn up because I tink dat da worldah hates my body. After all dey might tink I am "just a cat" but dey dont know dat I can see God. 
God is allmighty powafull, his arms have supreme weapons to do away with all evil and destroy the devil with its plasma rays. He hass special powahs you see and he can knock down your body and rail it in half you see. Best part about my god is dat only I can undastand him! He squeaks and screams, bellows and grunts, chirps and whimpers, and only I know what diss means. Fuck you if you think I am crazy, Kneel before my God, he is baby Jezuz's papah and you must resp-a ect him NOW!

God is allmighty powafull, his arms have supreme weapons to do away with all evil and destroy the devil with its plasma rays. He hass special powahs you see and he can knock down your body and rail it in half you see. Best part about my god is dat only I can undastand him! He squeaks and screams, bellows and grunts, chirps and whimpers, and only I know what diss means. Fuck you if you think I am crazy, Kneel before my God, he is baby Jezuz's papah and you must resp-a ect him NOW!
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