My markings
Listen to me...Jezuz is within me.....
I haff been healed and I am okay now....
Imagine, if you will that it's nearly 2,000 years ago and you are viewing the manger scene in Bethlehem. Many kings and famous personages of the time have come to see the newborn babe and to bring gifts. After a while, the baby grows tired and weary. He begins to fret and cry, as all babies sometimes do. His lovely young mother, Mary, only a teen-ager herself, attempts to quiet him, but his crying continues. She holds and rocks him. She sings a lullaby. She dangles a brilliant ornament before him to capture his attention and stop his tears. Alas, none of her efforts hush the baby. His crying goes on. While the anxious mother makes further unsuccessful attempts to soothe her upset child, a tabby cat quietly creeps into the stable. She sits a discreet distance from the cradle and begins to clean herself. Carefully and meticulously, she washes and grooms herself from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail. When she's immaculate, without a single spot or smudge on her beautiful banded coat, she goes to Mary's side and rubs against her long blue robe. After the mother's acknowledgement of her presence, the tabby gently jumps to the foot of the cradle. The attention of the baby is drawn to the soft, furry creature in his bed. The crying wanes. The tabby carefully settles herself near the baby and begins to purr softly. The magic of the murmuring sound completely quiets the infant. He is fascinated by it and extends his tiny hand toward the tabby cat. The mother's relief is great. Joyful to see her child happy again, she thanks the cat who befriended them. In appreciation of the tabby's kindness, Mary affectionately strokes the cat and then, with her index finger, traces her own initial on the purring animal's forehead. To this very day, every tabby cat in the world bears the letter "M" on it's forehead. The next time you see a tabby, look carefully and in it's beautiful head markings you'll discover Mary's initial. It's there. You'll find it.
I haff been healed and I am okay now....

Imagine, if you will that it's nearly 2,000 years ago and you are viewing the manger scene in Bethlehem. Many kings and famous personages of the time have come to see the newborn babe and to bring gifts. After a while, the baby grows tired and weary. He begins to fret and cry, as all babies sometimes do. His lovely young mother, Mary, only a teen-ager herself, attempts to quiet him, but his crying continues. She holds and rocks him. She sings a lullaby. She dangles a brilliant ornament before him to capture his attention and stop his tears. Alas, none of her efforts hush the baby. His crying goes on. While the anxious mother makes further unsuccessful attempts to soothe her upset child, a tabby cat quietly creeps into the stable. She sits a discreet distance from the cradle and begins to clean herself. Carefully and meticulously, she washes and grooms herself from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail. When she's immaculate, without a single spot or smudge on her beautiful banded coat, she goes to Mary's side and rubs against her long blue robe. After the mother's acknowledgement of her presence, the tabby gently jumps to the foot of the cradle. The attention of the baby is drawn to the soft, furry creature in his bed. The crying wanes. The tabby carefully settles herself near the baby and begins to purr softly. The magic of the murmuring sound completely quiets the infant. He is fascinated by it and extends his tiny hand toward the tabby cat. The mother's relief is great. Joyful to see her child happy again, she thanks the cat who befriended them. In appreciation of the tabby's kindness, Mary affectionately strokes the cat and then, with her index finger, traces her own initial on the purring animal's forehead. To this very day, every tabby cat in the world bears the letter "M" on it's forehead. The next time you see a tabby, look carefully and in it's beautiful head markings you'll discover Mary's initial. It's there. You'll find it.
Dear Lini,
That was a wonderful story! Since I am a fan of the Jesus and of the Lini, I will pway for you! Happy Meww Year!
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