I pray to Jezuz

In lite of my cuwwent shituation, I haff someting to share a wit your bodies. Lini hass discovered the powah of baby Jezuz. Dis is not someting to take lightly. I have seen baby Jezuz in my dreams. Baby jezuz came to me and dare wass a white light around my body glawing and proa-ecting my body. The wite light went into me and i felt peace-a full. Baby jezuz is part of me now and i want you all to know dat i am serious about my luff for his body, I mean you know, him, his essa-ence. I luff you.
Lini has accep-a ted baby Jezus as his lord a savior and i want you all to be part of it. if you dont, you will die you see, and den you will say" I shad have listenad to da Lini"
I said to myself " I luff you baby Jezuz" help me troo dis hard a time. Lini need divine guidance and shelter from da vet nazis. Baby jezuz help Lini.

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