The Evils of water

I was washed! Lini had a bath and I hated it! i am so fackin mad about diss. Lini HUMILIATION!
I went outside with my body on a rope and i rolled in da dirt you see. Lini got filthy. My white was all grey and I was dirty in my ears and my whole body was full of sand and dirt. So mamah and Papah put me in da bathtub. It was awful, i was nervassss!
Mama put rubbah gloves on, like she was touching someting contaminated or something, Lini insulted. I am her baby what da hell. Ok so then they put dis PANk soap on my body and lathad me up, Lini full of bubbles. I hate you. Fuck you water!
Lini ashamed

Lini turned da watah black.
Lini tortured

Aftawads dey WRANG me out! Like a towel. Assholes.

Den dey put me in a towel like a baby

It was awful . nevah again.
Lini humiliation
oh lini,
What have you been up to lately?
Its starting to be fall no??
been fishing much?
luff unkel
update lini!! update!!
what have you been doing??
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