The Invaders
Lini HATE chew chews. My Daddy has been building diss chew chew train set and I hate it. Not only did it enter MY domain, my territory, but its violating my needs and my senses. Lini angry!
Diss train set took up MY space right next to my litter boxes. You see, dat is MY sacred space, and now Lini haff no privacy! I haff one box to poo poo in, and one to pee in, and I like it like dat! Lini getting a wee bit too fat for my pee box, so I haff to stick my head and 2 front legs out of da box so I can reach. Well anyway, dat stupid chew chew is so annoying and LOUD. It goes round and round da tracks and den, to me sheer and uttah terror, it made a horrible screeching sound dat scared Lini to bits! Lini terror, I ran way, tail down, zoom up da stairs. papah called dat a whistle, I hate it! get it out of my territory!!!!

My Look back in terror after the whistle blew!
Diss train set took up MY space right next to my litter boxes. You see, dat is MY sacred space, and now Lini haff no privacy! I haff one box to poo poo in, and one to pee in, and I like it like dat! Lini getting a wee bit too fat for my pee box, so I haff to stick my head and 2 front legs out of da box so I can reach. Well anyway, dat stupid chew chew is so annoying and LOUD. It goes round and round da tracks and den, to me sheer and uttah terror, it made a horrible screeching sound dat scared Lini to bits! Lini terror, I ran way, tail down, zoom up da stairs. papah called dat a whistle, I hate it! get it out of my territory!!!!


My Look back in terror after the whistle blew!

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