Santa Claws and wrapping paper

Okay, So his name is Santa Claws. Seems stupit to Lini. I still don't undastand why he stays on da lawn all night and why he BLAYNKS.Well, oh dear. I got REALLY exited today. Not only did my Mommy let me trash the living room with wrapping paper, but I got to read a email from my precious Uncle.
Uncle Eric is in South America. I am sure he misses my golden body. There is nothing like the warm secure feeling of getting into my white, that gives "home' its essence. Oh dear. Well, when I read da email I got so exited i started peeing all ova da place. Diss neva happened to me before but I lost control. My Bladdah not so strong because my Mother is pressing so hard on it. Well, i peed all ova da keyboard and da mouse. Now the spot where my balls once were are all wet. Lini lose control. Damn it, well. I got so exited! Lini exitement, and thrill.
Okay, so after my Mommy washed me in dat damn PANK shampoo, I got to relax and trash the living room some more. There is wrapping paper everywhere, and tissue papah and newspapah. Oh I luff papah!!!!!!
here I am in da paper, in total Lini heaven. Wish you were here Uncle. I want a live mouse for Christmas and my Daddy says I can't have it.
I luff you, Lini

Paper!! horray for paper,
just watch out for da Taype!
Oh Lini,
You are so silly.
My human, Katie, is going home today to Oklahoma for Christmas. Whatever shall I do all alone with the evil boyfriend? I know, I will sabotage the litter box. Tell Santa Claws to stay away from my house.
Merry Christmas linus.
Dont eat too much.
love Eric
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