Mushrooms in da Forest
He said "Look Lini, I found musharooms, lets eat dem!" I said to Dwight" Okay, let's eat dem up, Lini starving!" So we gobbled dem up, and dey tasted so juicy and fresh. It was like heaven. We ate them all up pretty quick, and decided to search for some more. Dwight quickly found another patch. It was den dat I noticed dat I felt kinda funny. Lini dizzy, Lini feel weird. Oh well, got to eat more. Den I saw Dwight, and his whiskers were GREEN! "Oh Dwight!" I said, " What is DAT?"

Dwight meowed and started rolling over on his back with his eyes rolling back in his head. As he was rolling, his faced turned into a giant marshmallow, and den it melted into purple goo. I looked up at da sky and da sky was red! I saw green monkeys climbing da trees, and big beautiful butterflies came and danced all around me. It was so dreamy, the colors were so bright, so warm and glowing. I saw the leaves falling from da trees, except dey was blue and dey swam like fish. I remember Dwight mumbling something about a big panther coming to eat him, and then talking about flying purple chickens, and dats when it all goes blank.
Mommy and Daddy wondered where I was....and Dwights Mom found us in da woods. She heard us making odd purrs and meows I guess. Well, I guess we was sick. Da mushrooms were bad, and we had to go to da Vet. Da Vet said we was hallucinated. Lini trippin on Shrooms. Well, he said we were lucky we stopped eating when we did. We got pills and we got sent home.
I'm still drugged from dese Anti-poison pills dey gave us. What a crazy damn day dat was. Neva eat dose mushrooms Mommy said. I thought it was great, but I do feel kinda fuzzy in da head. Well, just thought I should tell you all about my play date with Dwight. Here are da pichas.
When I got home, my Sister cleaned my skin,
and she got the effect dat way.
BAHAHAH I never laughed so hard, Lini. I'm glad you okay, if I can ever get outta dis damn house, I'm going to find some 'shrooms, too! P.S. Can you believe all the fine felines who want to be our friends???
please stay off the drugs, youll never be a world leader that way!
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