getting cold again
Oh dear...lately I find myself all a shiver. I hate diss time of year. It gets all cold and my fur is cold. My pink pads get nippy and I have to sek out warm places. I am all mad because this means no more time on my perch, and no more going outside to eat grass. My parents sealed in da windows and the view isnt so gweat now either. I cried about diss last night to my parents. Dey said dat even though its gonna be winter soon, I will be able to go out on my leash for little bits. I guess dats betta den nothing. I have been doing really well. My Mother of course is expanding in her sack, and I am still trying to find a good position to lounge in. Otha den dat, all is well.
Here I am on one of my last nice days outside.
Here I am on one of my last nice days outside.

You look so nice in your leash. I hate mine and pull it off. I wish it wasn't so cold here in SC, either. Brrrrr.
p.s. Are you on It's like my human's Friendster, but for we of the superior species!!! Do it!
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