Lini New Year!

Lini wishes you a happy New Year!
Happy New Year from da Lini!
I luff you!
I have some very exiting thrilling news!
I have been awarded the prize of Linus of the Year for 2005. So many people luffed my blog here, and my catster page, dat I got an award. Ya see dose people dat are always taking pichas of me (da paparazzi) well, dey knocked on my door and Mommy said, " Lini these people are here to see you!" So, I sat on Mommy's lap and they had cowfee and dey said that I have been selected as LINUS OF THE YEAR!
What a great honor. I beat out tons of subordinate Linuses to get dis prize!
As my present I got trophies from my admirers and from the Great Grand Linus. Dey took a million pichas of me so I can have dem in magazines. After dat I had a ceremony and I was given da Gold Linus Medal. Its very heavy and it yanks at my neck fur, but I am so proud. Now I can get whatever I want and everybody will worship me. As a bonus, I got my paws on my Mommy's betta fish bowl. Here I am after my photo shoot!

Here are all my amazing trophies and awards. I am sure you will hear dis on da news but I wanted to tell you first. My Sister is so jealous, she threw a fit.
Lini is great!!! Feel free to send me cards, catnip, paper, and money to buy me a cat tree.
I luff you!!
Lini the Great

I am so proud of you! I can't wait for next month's Cat Fancy so I can cut out the pictures of you and paste them inside my litter box! You are pawesome!
Congradulations Linus!!!
Thoese photos of you show the world that the really have selected the best linus in the whole world!
Congradulations! may all your subordinate linusĀ“s obay your every order. Perhaps Linus will become a leader of the linuses and cause linus revolution??
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