Good Grayvee

Tank you for all dat support about da man who spains da wheel. Lots of utta people dont like him edder. Well good! Ball chopper! I bet he need viagra anyway so dare! Well then, Christmas was GREAT! My sister and I got turkey and grayvee. My sister loves grayvee so much I decided to call her grayvee for awhile. We got a new cat nip scratcher post, and catnip bubbles. Mommy says she is getting me my own mouse to kill for Christmas. Uncle Eric sent a nice email from his trip saying he agrees with me about the fat red man and the man who spins da wheel. Tank you Uncle! I luff you! My Daddy got a chew Chew train dat goes around on a track. It smells like smoke and it whistles too. I like it, its fun to watch. Daddy gonna build a train table for his new toy.
Lini starving for more...My mother is about to pop..any day now. I tell you I cant wait to be a father to my mother. I need to eat more now for two of us. Here we are, i luff you,