Saturday, June 25, 2005

My Box

Today I played inside my paper box all day. I love paper so much. It has such a great texture and i love the way it feels on my pink pads. After I played, my Daddy gave me some wonderful abdominal stroking and brushing. I luff dat. After dat, I relaxed and enjoyed da rest of da day. I am going to go to bed now, Lini tired.

Friday, June 24, 2005

I am FIVE!

Look how tiny I was...FIVE years ago!
My birthday was great!! I got Sheba and Fancy feast cat food and I got fatter! yeah! My Daddy gave me a great brushing and some abdominal stroking and it was really lini-rific! My Mommy came home from shopping and brought me newspapers tons of them! She threw them all over me and I had the best time rolling around in the crumbles. Mommy also brought me a brand new live catnip plant! I am so exited about dis. I ripped the leaves off it and suckled them all sight until they soothed me to sleep. I am so happy I am five. I am also very grateful to my new admirers! These are my brothers and sistes and me, when we were tiny. Bye Bye for now!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me

Today I turn FIVE!!!!!!!!!!
I am so special. I was born on the side of the road when my mother had a terrible cramp. My brothers and one of my sisters came out before I did. I was the cutest of course. This nice old lady heard us whimpering and found us on the side of the road. She took care of us and bottle fed us. My Mommy came to adopt me when I was 5 weeks old, I was so tiny.
I got to eat steak today AND turkey because its my birthday my Daddy also gave me Vanilla ice cream. I like cones best. Happy birthday to me!

Monday, June 20, 2005


Hello other cats and humans,
Well tomorrow is my 5th birthday. I will be FIVE. That is mid-age for a cat. That means that 5 years ago I was still inside my Mother. I loved being inside my Mother because it was safe and warm. I could feel my brothers and sisters sacs rubbing up against mine. It felt nice to know that I wasnt alone in dare.
I came in to this world when my Mother had a terrible cramp. Well, I have a feeling dat someday, she will be inside of me. More on dat later...
I will tell you more about my birth tomorrow..on my BIRTHDAY!

Today, all i did was sleep, on my new pillow.

Take dat!

I have had it up to dare with these goblins chasing me. I can't sleep at night because the things tear at my flesh. I was so mad today that I practiced my best "piss off" face in the mirror. This is what I look like when I am doing that.