Worrying about my Uncle

I looked up to God and asked WHY?
Please pray for my Uncle, I luff him so, pray dat he takes it easy and is nice to his body so it reekovahs.
I luff you....
My name is Jasper the Linus. I am golden, white, and fat. I love to eat. I am the best damn cat in dis entire world. Who the heck cares about human news! My news is the only thing dat mattas. I have deep thoughts and views of the world. I am extremely multi-talented and I also have a huge following of subordinate Linuses and humans. I am a GRAND Linus. I'll kill you if you thraten me or say anyting mean about me, my body or my thoughts. I'll do it. I am THE LINUS...diss is my life.
I looked up to God and asked WHY?
It may appear as a picha of Lhotse on MY scratcher but its not just dat. Look at my peepers...someting is wrong. Lini dont understand but I sense it is a negative force field of some sort. Lini voodoo? Some kind of a witch out for my soul? Lini dont undastand so i shall pray to da one who I know will prota-ect me undah all circumstancez.
Baby jesuz please guide da Lini, help me erradicate diss beast, did powaful entity from my soul, get it out of mine eyes and make it go away.