Big Orange Cats Unite

Hello my Lini friends,
Well i have some excellent news to report. Aftah valentines Day I got invited to diss great new web forum called "Big Orange Cats Unite" click on dat to dah LANK. It's full of fat Linuses like ME. Nobody is as great as me but atleast dey are trying. Its so wondahfull to haff deese friends like dat. I haff been getting alot of catmail.
My othah news is dat I got a new toy, its a feather dat sticks to da window. I luff it, and it loves me. I can attack it whenevah I want to. here I am with it, Lini action! My parents say it is so I exercise because I am fat, and dey took my food bowl away and I am soooo hungry. You can see my beautiful white in dis picha, Lini action!