Saturday, October 01, 2005

being fat

My humans and their friends are starting to call me names. Dey call me fat. My Uncle Eric came to visit me and immediately said "Lini got fat" right in front of me. No repect. Of course I am fat, I am withLinus. Preganant. I am a lot more hungry, and I have been craving wild grasses. I like it when I can go outside with my body on a rope, and eat and suckle da grass.
I will hopefully see Dwight soon and we can go out in da grass and play togetha.
Judge for I fat?

Monday, September 26, 2005

getting used to being preganant

Well, diss sure isnt easy. I have alot to get used to. My mother kicks my stomach all night long. I can feel her sack rumbling in dare. I love her body, but jeeezz, I need my Lini sleep. I have to go to da vet now so dey can take pictures of my baby. I hate da vet, cant I just be left alone. Damn it she is kicking again.