Lini of the leaves

Lini had a great day in da leaves today. i waited all week for my papah to put my body on its rope and take me outside! It was worth da wait. There were so many leaves to chase today. My Papah used da leaf blower and they sprang up in da sky and I pounced on dem! I luff leaves! Dey are so much fun to play wit. I haff been so nervass about da Binus dat I forgot how to haff fun. Good old fashioned Lini fun. I still hate my pank collar but I deal with dat. I stalked da neighbahs cat and stared her down with my Lini powers. I also drank watah from da big puddle in fronta da house. It tasted dirty though so I wont put dat in my mouth again. Also dis morning I ate whapped cream off the counter and pounded the Beaver a few times. I luff you. Lini
Here is my Golden Body in da leaves.....