Am I next?
Lini writing to you in terror. Lini worried. You see, I think my parents are gonna eat me. I just know it. Lini terrified! You see, tonight for suppah, I smelled somting different cooking and I asked my Daddy what it was. He said " linus, that's fish fillets." I said "Papa, you are going to eat the FASH?" and he said " Yes, Lini Mommy and Daddy like fish because it's really delicious and full of good fats." I heard dat and I ran into da basement and hid under the bed.
They ate FASH! I fear I am next. My Mommy has a fish tank, and I checked, one is GONE! I fear dat they are eating their pets, especially ones that have good FAT like me. Last week my Daddy ate cat because he ordered Chinese food, and dey eat cat. Now Mommy loves her fish, but she still ate dem up. Why wouldent she eat me den?
Lini afraid of being fried up with oil and potatoes. Lini Petrified in fear. Lini no want to be like da FASH. I just don't unda stand how it got from da tank, and into dat refrgetatore and den into da pan and it grew so much. Oh dear please let them not get hungry and eat my body. I fear my parents are pet eaters, somebody please help me, free the Linus! I'll snap a quick fotoe of myself...
can you see the fear in my eyes???