Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Binus

Deer heavens!

Da Binus is here!
The Binus was born at 6:06 am and we are thrilled!
Its a boy Binus, and he weighs 1 pound and 6 ounces.
It was a natural Binus birth and he came out easily in his sack. I helped lick him clean and then Mommy put him in iodine so he was clean. Now he is really cute and fluffy. he makes dis cute whimpering sound thats like a half- meow half beaver chirp.

Buckalinus and I have named him

Binus Rodentus Linus

Monday, October 16, 2006

Eric's BOX!

Oh dear was GREAT!!!!
My Mommy got a birtzday box from her brothah Uncle Eric, and it came with tons of paper! I luff paper, the texcha is un beliffable. I luff you!
I rolled around into the paper and took a nap in it, so crunchy and beautiful. My pink pads feel like silk on dat paper. I luff you. There was a furry animal in da box too, Its a bit to small for my body to luff, but it does haff tusks or big teeth, I cant tell but I want it. Mommy says is is called a Wal-rass, so I will figure out a way to make a Winus now. Maybe aftah the Binus is born I can make a Winus. I dont know. Not sure how I stuill feel about fathahhood. Gosh it, the Binus is due in only a few days. I got to get dat kiddy pool and woodchips for the Binus since it will be part beaver, it will need to swim and eat wood, then shit in litter box. So many complications.

Well, here I am in the glorious paper.

I luff you,