Monday, April 24, 2006

The Winner of the Linus Contest

Jasper the Linus is deeply proud and deeply honored to announce the winner of the first Official Jasper the Linus Contest.

The winner is....Dwight

Dwight wins the only copy of the Linus DVD and the honor of being the Official Winner!
The correct answers are as follows:

1) I have SEVEN stripes on my tail

2) Getting "Into da White" means stroking my white fur on my belly for a long, long time until I am completley in Lini heaven. I become hypnotized by the intense pleasure. "The White" is also my best cat friend Dwight's real name. Da-white.

3) I was born on the side of the road when my mother had a terrible cramp.

4) I HATE the Price is Right because of Bob Barker when he says have your pet spayed or neutered. Because of him, the vet put gas on me and cut my balls off, now i can't have my own little kittens.

5) My favorite food is Friskies shredded turkey and gravy, and my favorite drink is fish bowl water.

Thank you all for your entries and your attempts at being my #1 fan. I luff you all anyway, and stay tuned for more contests in da futcha!

